Cycle of Poverty: Intergenerational Poverty in Finland and Europe
On October 22, from 12:00 PM to 3:30 PM (UTC +3), we will meet at Kulttuurikasarmi to discuss the cycle of intergenerational poverty with pioneering guests. The event will explore intergenerational poverty from the perspectives of several European countries.
We will hear remarks from MEP Maria Ohisalo from the European Parliament, followed by researchers Irene Bucelli and Abigail McKnight from the London School of Economics, who will present their research on intergenerational poverty. Bucelli and McKnight have studied the mechanisms and models that are believed to explain the transmission of poverty from one generation to the next.
In the afternoon, we will also hear a discussion from an intriguing panel of experts on preventing intergenerational poverty, both at the European and Finnish levels. The panels will include Aoife Nolan, Chair of the European Committee of Social Rights at the Council of Europe; Bo Viktor Nylund, Director of UNICEF Innocenti – Global Office of Research and Foresight; Krzysztof Stefan Iszkowski, Team Leader of the European Child Guarantee; Francesca Pisanu, Eurochild EU Advocacy Officer; Nasima Razmyar, Member of Parliament and City Councilor, 1st Vice Chair of the Social Democratic Part of Finland; Ombudsperson for Children Elina Pekkarinen; Pasi Moisio, Research Professor at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare; and Noora Fagerström, Member of Parliament, National Coalition Party.
The event and panels will be moderated by journalist Annika Damström. Questions for the panelists will also be posed by young experience influencers from Itla’s Valoisat group.
Please register for in-person attendance by October 8th or for online participation by October 20th. Online participants will receive a viewing link via email on October 21st.
A salad lunch will be available for registered attendees at Kulttuurikasarmi from 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM.
Please note that the programme will be in both Finnish and English. We aim to provide interpretation services in multiple languages for the event. You can indicate your language preference during registration.
12:45 PM Welcome
Moderator Annika Damström
12:50 PM Greetings from the European Parliament
MEP Maria Ohisalo (Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance)
1:00 PM Mechanisms of Intergenerational Poverty
Researchers Abigail McKnight and Irene Bucelli, London School of Economics
1:35 PM Solutions to Intergenerational Poverty in Europe
Aoife Nolan, Chair of the European Committee of Social Rights, Council of Europe
Bo Viktor Nylund, Director of UNICEF Innocenti – Global Office of Research and Foresight
Krzysztof Stefan Iszkowski, Team Leader, European Child Guarantee
Francesca Pisanu, Eurochild EU Advocacy Officer
2:20 PM Break
2:30 PM Intergenerational Poverty in Finland
Research Professor Tiina Ristikari, Itla
2:40 PM Solutions to Intergenerational Poverty in Finland
Nasima Razmyar, Member of Parliament and City Councilor, 1st Vice Chair of the Social Democratic Party
Elina Pekkarinen, Ombudsperson for Children
Pasi Moisio, Research Professor at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
Noora Fagerström, Member of Parliament, National Coalition Party
3:25 PM Closing Remarks
We warmly welcome you!
The event is organized in cooperation with Itla by University of Tampere/Perla, the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare, the Alli Paasikivi Foundation, the National Child Strategy, UNICEF Finland, the Ombudsman for Children, the Central Union for Child Welfare, and Save the Children Finland.