The Effective Child & Family -interventions: Vertti-groups

Delivery of the intervention
Aim of the intervention
The aim of the Vertti-groups is to strengthen the parenthood and the psychosocial protective factors of the family. The intervention promotes positive interaction within the family and the child development and supports the daily functioning of the family.
Description of the intervention
The Vertti-group is a preventive group-based intervention, targeted at child families where a parent has mental health problems. The foundation of the Vertti-groups lies on the Beardsleen family intervention (Inkinen and Söderblom 2005) and they are one of the Effective Child & Family –interventions. The Effective Child & Family –interventions are based on child development research, respect of parent as an expert regarding their own child and the theory child development as a part of different development environments (Solantaus & Niemelä 2016). In the intervention the parents and children are appointed to their own peer groups, which meet ten times. During the meetings, both peer groups go through themes that have been determined in advance and themes arising from the participants’ own experiences. The groups work together, and each family is called to a closing interview 4 – 6 weeks after the intervention. The purpose of the closing interview is to evaluate the impacts of Vertti-group on the family’s daily life and to assess the need of further support.
Availability of the intervention in Finland
Vertti-instructor training is targeted at professionals working with children and families, especially for the social and health care professionals. The training is based on Vertti-manual (Inkinen & Söderblom 2005). Currently, the training is organized by only one trainer. In Finland, the intervention has been developed in a project of the Finfami Uusimaa ry. Vertti-groups have been organized mainly in the capital region.
Research- and evidence-based efficacy of the intervention
There is neither peer reviewed research nor research-based evidence of effectiveness for the intervention.
Inkinen, M. & Söderblom, B. (2005). Vertti – Lapset ja vanhemmat vertaisryhmässä, kun vanhemmilla on mielenterveyden ongelmia. Käsikirja ryhmänohjaajille. Profami Oy, Er-paino Lievestuore.
Solantaus, T. & Niemelä, M. (2016). Arki kantaa – kun se pannaan kantamaan. Perheterapia, 1, 21–33.