Tag: Lapsiperheköyhyys

From the Same Line – solutions for poverty among families with children 
“From the Same Line – solutions for poverty among families with children” programme, which delves into poverty among families with children. The research and development programme produces research data on poverty among families with children as a basis for decision-making, initiates trials and strengthens cooperation between researchers and operators in the field.


Lauri Mäkinen et.al
”Köyhyys on mahdollisuuksien puutetta” – kanssatutkimus lapsuudessa koetusta köyhyydestä ja köyhyydessä pärjäämisestä
Navigaattori - Itlan raportit ja selvitykset
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Irene Bucelli & Abigail McKnight
Review of the mechanisms underlying the intergenerational transmission of poverty
Navigaattori - Itlan raportit ja selvitykset
Children living in poor families are more likely to be poor in later life. Even in countries with low poverty rates, such as Finland, povertyrisks persist across generations. This report contains a review of international evidence on the most prominent mechanisms and models which are thought to explain the intergenerational transmission of poverty.
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