In Finland, about 12 per cent of children live in a low-income family. Nearly one in ten families with children received social assistance at least once in 2022. A quarter of 8th and 9th graders feel their family’s financial situation is moderate or worse.
In 2021, Itla launched the “From the Same Line – solutions for poverty among families with children” programme, which delves into poverty among families with children. The research and development programme produces research data on poverty among families with children as a basis for decision-making, initiates trials and strengthens cooperation between researchers and operators in the field. The extent, causes and consequences of poverty among families with children are described in more detail on Itla’s webpage Data on Poverty among Families with Children.

Data on Poverty among Families with Children
The extent, causes and consequences of poverty among families with children are described in more detail on Itla’s webpage Data on Poverty among Families with Children.
Objectives of the programme
The From the Same Line programme has three key objectives. The first objective is to analyse the phenomenon and its underlying factors in cooperation with experts by experience, that is, children and young people who have experienced poverty themselves.
The second objective is to identify international and national actions to eradicate poverty or reduce its negative impacts. They can, for example, relate to social security, welfare services, upbringing, education and the everyday life of children. The programme is linked to the reform of social security and social and health services
The third objective is to strengthen cooperation between researchers and operators in the field, for example, by building a Finnish operator network and creating links to international research.
Young experience influencers’ Valoisat group
The Valoisat group consists of young experience influencers who hope for a broader social discussion on poverty among families with children as a phenomenon and jointly plan concrete actions to reduce it. The group started its activities in June 2022.
The young people of the Valoisat group want to highlight different stories and experiences, and to involve both children and families, as well as decision-makers and influencers, in order to discuss poverty among families with children more widely in society.
The name of the group, Valoisat (Bright Ones), reflects solutions, positivity, influencing and illuminating poverty among families with children as a phenomenon.
From the Same Line Oulu
From the Same Line Oulu is a cooperation project between the City of Oulu and Itla, which is based on the City of Oulu’s resolution to reduce poverty among families with children and its negative impacts on children and young people. In Oulu, poverty among families with children is slightly higher than the average in Finland. Poverty affects a total of approximately 5,000 children. The From the Same Line Oulu trial is related to the early identification of financial problems in Oulu families and the reduction of the impact of the problems on children and young people. Promoting leisure activities is at the forefront of the trial. An evaluation study will be carried out on the trial.
The total budget of the From the Same Line programme is EUR 1.2 million, and it is being implemented in cooperation with research institutes, national projects, operators and organisations in the field. As part of the programme, Itla donated a professorship related to research on poverty among families with children to Tampere University.
The research and development programme promotes Itla’s strategic objective of building bridges between key operators in children’s wellbeing and improving children’s equality. It also supports the implementation of the National Strategy for Children completed at the end of 2020 – so that every child can start from the same line.
Further information
The three-year programme is led by Itla’s Programme Manager, Research Professor Tiina Ristikari, and the researchers participating in the programme are Lauri Mäkinen, Ilkka Virmasalo and Joel Manner.
Further information
Please contact us about any questions regarding From the Same Line programme.

Research Professor
Director of Development
Samalta viivalta – ratkaisuja lapsiperheköyhyyteen

Senior Specialist
Samalta viivalta – ratkaisuja lapsiperheköyhyyteen

Project Researcher
Samalta viivalta – ratkaisuja lapsiperheköyhyyteen

Project Researcher
Samalta viivalta – ratkaisuja lapsiperheköyhyyteen